Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Digital painting

I made these painting last year when I just got a new graphic tab. I found my self so excited with that new tool, and could not stop my self from drawing until these two were done!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Illustration Friday: Wilderness

My old painting for this week topic : Wilderness.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No Wall Painting Exhibition : The Preparation.

As I mentioned before, December was the busiest month for me. This is one of my December to do list : preparation for Okke tomodachi -NO Wall Painting Exhibition in Kyoto, Japan, that was held on December 18th -24th .

These pictures will describe the messy I made during those preparation days ;)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Old Room, Old Studio

Ini kamar merangkap studio tempat aku bekerja selama 1,5 tahun yang lalu. Foto ini diambil pada Desember'09, sebelum aku pindah ke tempat yang baru. Kamarnya luas, dengan tembok yang dicat hijau, menenangkan. Suasana rumahnya pun jauh dari hingar-bingar. Pokoknya 1,5 thn itu betah banget deh. Kemaren pas mo pindahan sedih juga jadinya...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Sketsa hari ini maksudnya mau buat gambar wajah cowok untuk keperluan cover novel, namun apa daya, tanganku pengennya gambar wajah cewek, jadilah cewek ini (mungkin juga karna kecenderunganku buat menggambar sosok cewek daripada cowok...).
Mudah2an setelah ini bisa jadi satu gambar cowok...